Funny Joke ‣ Lighthouse Man

Lighthouse man settles in for the night, puts a dvd in he’s been dying to watch, and starts it and his dinner. The forecast is for a storm so he regularly checks his light is working with the equipment in the control room next door to his living space.

10 mins into his movie, there’s s loud knock on the door, the wind is howling and it’s pouring with rain.

He pauses his film and goes downstairs

Down to the right, down to the left
Down to the right, down to the left
Down to the right, down to the left
Down to the right, down to the left

Gets to the front door, the banging is more insistent now, opens the door and a couple stand there totally soaked.

Come in my dears he says, let’s get you to a room and out of those wet things.

They explain their boat crashed into the rocks and ask if he can put them up for the night.

No problem he says, follow me, so they go

Up to the left up to the right
Up to the left up to the right
Up to the left up to the right

Shows them to s spare room and offers them something to eat, no that’s ok they say, we’ll get dry and retire.

No problem he says, oh, by the way, what would you like for breakfast, cornflakes or porridge?

Cornflakes please they both retort.

Going back to his room and his movie, up to the left up to the right, he settles down for the night.

Another knock on the door

So pausing his film again he goes

Down to the right, down to the left
Down to the right, down to the left
Down to the right, down to the left
Down to the right, down to the left

Opens the door, a single dishevelled man stands there, soaked, clothes ripped and holed.

Can you help me he says

Oh you poor soul, are you alone?

No my partner is injured.

He helps to recover his friend and gets them to a room.

Up to the left up to the right, up to the left up to the right.

Shows them a room, attends to the superficial injuries and leaves, oh he says as he leaves, breakfast, cornflakes or porridge?

That’s very kind , porridge please they both retort.

Setting back off to his movie

Up to the left up to the right
Up to the left up to the right

He settles again, (yes, you guessed it).

New Visitors

Another knock at the door, gentler somehow, as though the person is very weak, he runs downstairs this time

Down to the right, down to the left
Down to the right, down to the left
Down to the right, down to the left
Down to the right, down to the left.

Opening the door, he finds a young lady, cut head, clothes torn, holding her arm.

Are you ok? he asks, I was crossing over to the other island when the storm hit, my boats been reduced to matchsticks on the rocks, I just made it to shore she says as they walk in out of the rain and wind.

He takes her to a room, up to the left up to the right, sorts her cut head and does his best to make her comfortable. Asks if she’s ok, to which she thanks him for his kindness and says she’s fine.

As he leaves he asked, breakfast, cornflakes or porridge?

Oh, thank you she says, cornflakes please.

Back up to his room

Up to the left up to the right
Up to the left up to the right
Up to the left up to the right

He settles again, finally for the last time to watch his movie, and finish his now cold dinner.

As he serves breakfast in the morning, being thanked by everyone, he says, last night taught me a valuable lesson.

Oh? Says one of the rescued people, what was that?

Simple he says, 3 out of 5 people prefer cornflakes to porridge !!!

About asyoli

I'm Asyoli. I share the funniest jokes, stories and quotes to get your daily dose of laughter.

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