A drunk was on the way home late at night.
Passing an office building, the drunk saw a sign that read, “Press bell for night watchman.”
He did so, and after several minutes he heard the watchman clomping down the stairs.
The uniformed man proceeded to unlock first one gate, then another, shut down the alarm system, and finally made his way through the revolving door.
“Well,” he snarled, “what do you want?”
The drunk grinned at him, “I just wanted to know why you can’t ring it yourself.”
Another Joke: Sooner or later
A thief with a long record was brought before the judge.
Judge: Have you ever stolen things?
Thief: Oh, now and then.
Judge: And where have you stolen these things?
Thief: Oh, here and there.
Judge: Right. Lock him up, officer.
Thief: Hey, when do I get out jail?
Judge: Oh, sooner or later.